America’s Restoration Will Require Lot More Than Decent People Are Presently Supplying

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Surge Summary: If righteous citizens want to see America turned back to its founding moral principles, more will be required than an occasional sermon on citizenship and paying attention to conservative media. Aggressive involvement with the political process is required. 

By David Lane

If America over the next quarter-century is going to resurrect spiritually, it will require other means than currently employed. In a democratic republic, citizens elect representatives to create and pass legislation, thereby, codifying into law the citizens’ worldview, preferences, wishes, and values.

Press conferences, press releases, and shout-outs on Fox News are not denominations of political currency. If they were, conservatism would now be dominating the nation’s spiritual, intellectual, educational, economic, and vocational levers of power and influence across America.

Likewise, a once-a-year Sunday sermon is neither a denomination of political currency, whereas mustering and marshaling parishioners to register and vote for their biblical values is. The largest denominations of political currency are: 1) how many votes can you bring to the table, or 2) how much money can you bring that brings votes to the table?

A nation’s course is not laid out in advance after all, wrote Jewish Hebrew scholar Michael V. Fox, but rather must be leveled and paved by removing obstacles to moral progress. Proverbs 5:26

The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge.

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