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Surge Summary: The model currently being demonstrated in North Carolina — in which committed Christians (and Christian leaders) are running for political office in order to contest the religion of secularism which is taking over America — must be pursued across the nation if America is to be turned back to her founding, godly roots.
by David Lane
American Renewal Project
In February 2021 Dr. Gary Miller and I went to see North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson. He was running a little late and arrived tired from presiding over the Senate. One of the interesting things he said was, “I thought I was being elected to office but I walked right into the middle of spiritual warfare.”
At the end of our hour-long meeting, I said, “Let me tell you what I want to do.” “Tell me,” he said. “I want to do 10 NC pastor luncheons with the Lt. Governor, averaging 100 NC pastors per event, with 20-30 of those running for city council, school board, county commissioner, etc. in 2022.” “That’s what I want to do too,” he replied.
We hosted in 2021 13 NC pastors’ luncheons with Lt. Governor Robinson; 2,700 NC pastors and spiritual leaders participated, and on May 17, 2022, NC Primary Day, 50 ran for local offices across the state; 25 won the primary, and on November 8, 2022, Election Day, 10 of the 25 were elected to office across the state. Of the 13 newly elected NC State House members, 3 are pastors.
What last year happened in North Carolina we call the Ekklesia Model. Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 16:18, “Upon this rock I will build my ekklesia and the gates of hell won’t stand against it.” However, somehow over the last 100 years in America the Church has moved inside the building instead of out in the culture; despite Christian publishing, Christian radio, Christian television, etc. the Church is without a footprint in the culture. That’s not how Christ’s Ekklesia Kingdom assignment was intended to turn out.
There is much confusion about what’s going on in America’s culture. It has very little to do with a political battle between Democrats and Republicans. In reality, it is two religions – secularism and Jehovah God – that are vying for control of the public square. Half of America’s estimated 65 to 80 million evangelicals are not registered to vote, meaning they have never voted. Half of that half, i.e. 25%, votes only in a presidential election cycle, while about half of that 25% – somewhere between 12 and 18% – votes in an off-year election.
With three-quarters of the Christian voter base staying home on election days, those favoring abortion and homosexual marriage get a free run to elect their representatives to draft and pass legislation, and codify their values into law. The present culture is but the public manifestation of the secular religion holding sway over America.
You might wonder what can be done about the continuing secularization of America. We propose the following as an adequate solution: Every church in America should have a pastor, elder, deacon, or congregant running for local office in 2024, 2026, 2028, and thereafter. That will substantially increase the chances to save and win back the country for our kids and their kids.
This is our second of thirteen NC pastors’ events in 2023 featuring Lt. Governor Robinson. Our goal for 2024 includes an additional number of 50 NC pastors running for local office. Because the Filing Deadline for running in 2024 is this coming Mid-December, you should begin praying and ask the Lord if you are to enter the public square. Our pastor in California ran in 2014 for the California Assembly and hosted 150 ‘coffees’ in homes in his district that otherwise never would have considered going to church or getting involved.
Our next speaker, NC Lt. Governor Mark Robinson is a miracle; a former furniture factory worker who in 2018 took some time off to make a 4-minute speech before the Greensboro City Council, which was passing an anti-gun ordinance. That video has now had millions and millions of views.
In 2020, Mark ran against 8 candidates for the Lt. Governor nomination of the Republican Party. As an aside, Former Speaker Newt Gingrich ran three times before he won, former MO governor, U.S. MO Senator, and U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft ran three times before he won; Mark Robinson ran statewide and won.
Before I’ll introduce the Lt. Governor, I’d like to quote from God and Men by A.W. Tozer as to the need of the hour in America:
“Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne. When he comes [and I pray God there will be not one but many] he will stand in flat contradiction to everything our smirking, smooth civilization holds dear.
“He will contradict, denounce and protest in the name of God and will earn the hatred and opposition of a large segment of Christendom. Such a man is likely to be lean, rugged, blunt-spoken and a little bit angry with the world. He will love Christ and the souls of men to the point of willingness to die for the glory of the one and the salvation of the other. But he will fear nothing that breathes with mortal breath.”
With these words of hope and promise, I have the pleasure and honour to introduce to you North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson.
The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge.
Image: Adapted from; https://picryl.com/media/two-water-head-silhouette-sunrise-nature-landscapes-bad5af; Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain
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