New Netflix Movie ‘Leave The World Behind’ Produced By Barack Obama Released As Chinese Cyber Army Hacks Into US Power Grid And Utilities, Coincidence?

‘Leave the World Behind’ is a 2023 American apocalyptic psychological thriller film executive produced by Barack and Michelle Obama for Netflix

For starters, we have covered for many years, the money-path that the Barack and Michelle Obama have taken after their first two terms in the White House. One leg of that path led straight to Netflix where, for a cool $50,000,000.00, they were invited to produce movies supporting their Leftist Agenda. Predictably, their first effort ‘American Factory’ was awarded the Oscar with seemingly no effort at all. It was a ‘Christmas Miracle!’. So let’s talk about their latest release, an end times apocalyptic thriller, (yes you heard right), called ‘Leave The World Behind’.

“And they brought forth the images out of the house of Baal, and burned them.” 2 Kings 10:26 (KJB)

The first thing I’d like to direct your attention to is the movie poster itself, proudly featuring the names of the 4 stars who act in it, is the fascinating little acrostic it contains. We have gone ahead and highlighted what we found in red, and you will see it forms the word ‘Baal’. That’s not a review, that’s the marketing, so you can see the position we start this from. But honestly, did you expect anything different from Barack and Michelle Obama? I certainly did not.

As far the movie itself goes, I gave up my Netflix subscription when they started showing movies promoting kiddie porn, pro-abortion and such like so I had to rely on various sources like social media and a plot synopsis. The least troubling part of the ‘Leave The World Behind‘ is the overt racism it promotes where the main characters are reinforcing the troupe that blacks cannot trust whites. Democrats have nothing if they stop peddling racism, and it is peddled quite well here.

THE MAIN THEME: “After a prolonged stand-off, Danny decides to help Archie in exchange for money and directs them to a nearby underground bunker prepared for doomsday. G.H. confesses to Clay that he knows what’s happening – he says that a political coup d’état is afoot, which is why the people in positions of power are letting a civil war take root by disrupting technology and feeding chaos. Amanda and Ruth see New York City being bombed, and Rose has walked into the neighboring home and found the bunker, where an Emergency Alert System interceptor reveals that the U.S. is at war with rogue armed forces with the suggestion of radiological weapons being involved.” Basically, it’s a story about the end of the world written by lost people without the Bible. But you get the idea.

Translated it reads like this. Barack and Michelle have produced an end times movie showing the United States government turning against the people, and using the military to bomb them into submission. Hmm, sounds like someone has been roaming in the corridors of Now The End Begins. We’ve been warning of things like that for 15 years now. I’m sure it’s just a ‘coincidence’, but ‘Leave The World Behind’ comes out just as reports of the Chinese Cyber Army hacking the US power grid are revealed. But, I’m sure that’s just a crazy coincidence. Now back to your bunker.

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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