(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – Biden’s corrupt DOJ is now threatening states in an effort to get them to decide against performing forensic audits on their 2020 election results.
This should be even more motivation for states to perform audits and investigations. The DOJ has absolutely no authority over state elections and their threats deserve to be challenged.
ABC News reported that on Wednesday the DOJ released “guidance intended to caution states embarking on so-called post-election ‘audits’ of vote counts for the 2020 presidential election that they must not run afoul of federal voting laws.”
The “guidance” outlines “federal statutes” that the DOJ says election officials must follow during audits such as “preserving all federal elections materials and making sure they’re not tampered with.”
“This document sets down a marker that says the Justice Department is concerned about this, and we will be following this closely,” a DOJ official told reporters during a conference call Wednesday.
Of course, the DOJ isn’t concerned at all about the allegations and proof of election fraud and corruption. Their only concerns are that of protecting the fraudulent Biden regime and ensuring Americans never get to the truth.
This guidance is reminiscent of the warning issued by the DOJ back in May regarding the Republican-led Maricopa County audit in Arizona. The DOJ expressed concern over the handling of election materials by the private auditing firm Cyber Ninjas.
Panic Mode!! You know you’re over the
when Attorney General Merrick Garland announces that the US Justice Department will scrutinize any post-election audits for evidence of voting law violations!!@JovanHPulitzer pic.twitter.com/xlZIwX0vD2
— Cameron Rodriguez (@Cam_Music) June 11, 2021
You will not touch Arizona ballots or machines unless you want to spend time in an Arizona prison. Maybe you should focus on stopping terrorism. The Justice Department is one of the most corrupt institutions in the USA.https://t.co/Jl2pKNpfJR
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) June 11, 2021
After the DOJ sent a threatening letter, Arizona officials decided to abandon their plans to go door-to-door to implore whether or not voters had actually cast the ballots that bear their names.
The guidance issued Wednesday explicitly warns against officials engaging in any efforts that could “intimidate voters.”
The latest guidance from the DOJ comes as Republicans in several states have expressed interest in kicking off their own audits and investigations into the 2020 election, most notably State Senator Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania.
The DOJ also issued a separate guidance on Wednesday addressing the range of federal laws that protect voting by different methods.
“It’s responsive to the fact that more Americans than ever are voting, not on Election Day in person in a polling place, but that are voting at voting centers or voting early or voting by mail,” one official said.
Why should Americans have so many avenues to vote when showing up in person at a polling place has worked for decades? It sure sounds like the Democrats are just desperate to make voting as vulnerable to fraud and cheating as possible.
An official said that the second guidance should be taken as “a note of caution to states that might be looking to roll back policies that expanded access to voting during the COVID-19 pandemic” and cited the election bill passed in Georgia as an example of such rollbacks.
Democrats exploited COVID-19 in order to make it easier to cheat. Republicans are right to curtail these expansions.
This latest guidance by the DOJ is just another attempt by the fraudulent Biden regime to protect the sham election results and maintain power and control and it’s pretty obvious.
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