(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – There’s been a huge battle going on between Maricopa County in Arizona and the state’s Senate over performing a joint audit of the county routers, splunk logs, and Dominion software, with the officials from the county doing everything in their power to try and keep anyone from having access to this critical information.
It really does seem like there’s something that these officials don’t want the general public to see, doesn’t it? Almost as if they were meddling in the 2020 presidential election and want to ensure they can utilize the same tools and processes to cheat and steal in next year’s midterm election.
According to a report coming out of Gateway Pundit, it seems that Maricopa County has now agreed to settle and allow the audit to finally be performed. What this means is that the 1487 complaint that was filed by Arizona State Sen. Sonny Borrelli actually worked and has forced the county to comply with the original request to be given access to routers on sight at County building (screen shots here, here, and here).
“The County spin-doctors were sure to remove The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson from the presser so that they could provide narratives and questions to the establishment media to make this appear a loss for the Senate,” the report said.
“CyberNinjas will still be allowed to command the router access and make sure all questions are answered correctly. Doug Logan requested this months ago telling the County that if they’re not comfortable with CyberNinjas taking the routers, then someone else can do it and CyberNinjas will closely watch,” the report continued.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Maricopa County agrees to settle with Arizona State Senate#AZSenate @FannKfann pic.twitter.com/QNW1QAaUbw
— AZSenateRepublicans (@AZSenateGOP) September 18, 2021
Sen. Borrelli spoke with GP and told them that now that there’s a third party involved in the investigation and the election materials won’t need to be moved, it will help preserve the chain of custody and evidence, making the case locked tight.
This means the left cannot come in and destroy evidence in order to hide the truth of what they were up to last November.
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann shared a tweet proclaiming victory in the case, writing, “HUGE win for the Az Senate today! Maricopa settlement gives us all the data needed to complete the review of the routers & splunk log to the most comprehensive election audit in history. We got everything we need and more. Maricopa County goes home with its tail between its legs.”
HUGE win for the Az Senate today! Maricopa settlement gives us all the data needed to complete the review of the routers & splunk log to the most comprehensive election audit in history. We got everything we need and more. Maricopa County goes home with its tail between its legs
— Karen Fann (@FannKfann) September 18, 2021
Fann then went on to tell Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson how the joint process will be run.
Former Arizona Congressman John Shadegg is set to act as the middleman and his job will be to help provide oversight to make sure that all of the evidence is kept secure.
“He will hire a couple of IT experts who will actually do the ‘hands on’ and CN will tell and ask them everything they need to know,” Fann said.
“Do you trust Shadegg to do the job right?” Conradson asked.
Fann responded with a “yes.”
“Did the supervisors pick Shadegg or did you do a joint vetting process?” Conradson followed up.
“We jointly agreed,” Fann replied.
Summary: We won. They dropped their $2.8 meaningless claim for the machine replacement. We get the routers and spunk logs. Cyber Ninjas has full access. Maricopa caved.
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 18, 2021
The County will now drop the claims it made against the Senate for replacement equipment and the delivery of the ballots.
The full audit report will be released on Friday, and this will no doubt lead to more questions. The answers will be found by CyberNinjas and their access to routers.
The AZ Senate is holding the final audit hearing on Friday, Sept 24 at 1 pm local to release the audit results. #AZAudit
— Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) September 16, 2021
According to reports from the GP, it was a very long, hard fought battle to get this win. It all started when Jack Sellers took it upon himself to mock the citizens of the state of Arizona for their attempts to investigate possible voter fraud and protect their right to vote and chooses the leadership of this country.
Sellers tried hard to prevent the people from having access to the routers so subpoenas were issued and a judge ruled these were legal and enforceable. The County violated the law as a means of trying to get out of having to share this information.
Thankfully, Sen. Borrelli had a very special tool he could use to get the information requested.
“Arizona SB 1487, introduced by Congressman Andy Biggs during his time as an Arizona State Senator, gives any member of the legislature the power to enact an investigation by the Attorney General’s office into law violations by a county, city, or town,” the report said.
“When a law has been violated, The Attorney General shall provide notice that the county, city, or town has 30 days to resolve the violation. If they fail to resolve the violation within 30 days, the treasurer shall withhold state shared revenue from the county, city, or town. Shared funds will not be returned to the county, city, or town until the violation is resolved,” the report added.
In other words, by not cooperating with the subpoenas, Maricopa County was violating the law, which meant that if they did not comply they would lose state funding.
WE MUST AUDIT AND CANVASS EVERYWHERE. This fraud has been going on a lot longer than 2020.
— Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State (@RealMarkFinchem) September 8, 2021
I am calling it. Between the preliminary audit results and the private canvass, I call on Arizona to decertify the election of 2020 and recall the electors. There is already enough evidence to show clear and convincing fraud. We have a duty to act.
— Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State (@RealMarkFinchem) September 8, 2021
Ghost votes, fantom votes 96,00+ from “mail-in” votes extrapolated from Maricopa #’s. 1 Voter reports got a mail-in ballot every elec since ’12. Ballots returned but counted? How did that get into the system? Data shows while she kept the ballot, it was counted. Where is DOJ?
— Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State (@RealMarkFinchem) September 8, 2021
YOU WERE RIGHT! @RudyGiuliani @JennaEllisEsq So glad we gave you the chance to reveal the corruption on Nov 30, ’20 in PHX. We must send a signal to the People of Arizona that we have the courage to decertify an election that is rife with fraud and reclaim the 2020 Electors.
— Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State (@RealMarkFinchem) September 8, 2021
We need FORENSIC AUDITS, CANVASSES, ARRESTS, and LEGISLATION. Gotta have all four to preserve our elections or we don’t have a country.
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) September 8, 2021
It seems the application of this tool applied just the right amount of pleasure to make officials in the county finally stop fighting and do what has been requested of them.
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