Veteran Embalmer Alarmed By Mysterious Blood Clots In Vaccinated People

( Exclusive) – According to a new report from WND, a veteran embalmer is saying that he and over a dozen of his colleagues in the industry have been discovering very strange blood clots popping up in most of their cases following indications from a number of different sources that there is a major spike in the sudden onset of serious illness following vaccination against the coronavirus.

The embalmer, Richard Hirschman, who has more than 20 years of experience inside the funeral industry in the state of Alabama, said that back during the middle part of 2021, he started to notice weird blood clots in the arteries and lungs of individuals that he hadn’t seen before.

“In an interview with Steve Kirsch, Hirschman said that last month, he found that 65% of his cases exhibited the clots. He told Kirsch that every one of the 15 people in the industry with whom he has spoken has observed the same alarming trend,” the report said.

Kirsch, who is an entrepreneur from Silicon Valley, has taken the skill set he’s developed in data analysis and applied it ot the pandemic, creating an organization called Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, where he currently serves as the executive director.

“Hirschman said that with only one exception, he hasn’t seen any cases in which the strange clots were seen in an unvaccinated person. The exception was an unvaccinated person who had received a transfusion,” the report continued. “Kirsch noted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention contends that nobody has died from the COVID vaccines.”

However, Hirschman went on to reveal that he’s seen these strange blood clots in more than 50 percent of his cases. In January, 37 out of 57 cases, which is a whopping 65 percent, also had the clots.

The embalmer then said that 15 peers with whom he has talked about the issue see the same kind of thing, but refuse to speak out about it.

“Politifact challenged Hirschman’s belief that the blood clots are caused by the vaccines. Fact checker Naseem Ferdowsi, who has no medical experience, Kirsch noted, said she was told by an embalmer in Phoenix, Arizona, that ‘dark clots have been found in COVID victims long before vaccinations were available,’” WND reported.

But the clots that Hirschman has been seeing are white fibrous material. He then noted that the number of coronavirus deaths in Houston County, Alabama, where he works, is very small.

In January, there were 9 recorded deaths related to the COVID-19 virus in his county. However, Hirschman stated that he had a total of 37 cases that month with the clots.

“If these clots were caused by COVID, it’s highly likely someone would have spotted it before 2021 and done a similar video,” Kirsch went on to write.

At the end of the day, the evidence that suggests the possibility the coronavirus vaccine might not be safe to receive continues to pile up. It’s still quite experimental, having been developed and pushed on the mass population without rigorous, long term testing to see about side effects that could potentially occur later down the road.

The media doesn’t want you to know this because it destroys their narrative. Time for everyone to open their eyes.

Copyright 2022.

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