EXPOSED: Manhattan Judge Denies Emergency Order For Hospital To Give Ivermectin To Dying Covid Patient

( Exclusive) – Who knew that judges were trained in making medical decisions? Apparently they are and that’s why a Manhattan judge has made the decision to block the use of potentially life-saving ivermectin for a COVID patient who is “on death’s doorstep.”

The judge says she will not force Mount Sinai Hospital, where Benjamin Chernyavsky (pictured here) has been admitted, to administer the drug after his wife Erika Quintero-Sherry brought a civil suit against the hospital on Jan. 26 seeking an emergency order to force their hand.

There were two days of hearings in the case last week which included testimony from two Mount Sinai doctors. Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Lynn Kotler was not moved in favor of the plaintiff, however.

Kotler said she would not grant the emergency request to force the hospital to administer the “risky” drug based on Quintero-Sherry’s “paltry” evidence and noted that using ivermectin would go against her husband’s doctor’s recommendations as well as the “medical community.”

“Plaintiff would have this court order defendants to administer an unapproved treatment to her husband against defendants’ medical opinion rendered in the independent exercise of their professional judgment,” Kotler’s Tuesday decision reads. “Indeed, the record reveals that if prescribed ivermectin, Mr. Chernyavsky’s condition may very well worsen.”

“The prevailing view in the medical community… is that ivermectin should not be prescribed,” Kotler said, noting that that is the opinion of the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and many other medical associations.

“Plaintiff’s paltry showing is insufficient to overcome the mountain of evidence showing that ivermectin is not presently safe or effective in the treatment of COVID-19,” Kotler wrote.

Kotler also mentioned testimony from a Mount Sinai doctor that Chernyavsky was probably not infected with COVID-19 anymore but rather “now must recover from the effects the disease has had on his body and organs.”

The judge shot down the emergency motion but the case is not through yet. It still must go through the court.

“Mount Sinai is committed to providing the highest quality care to all of our patients and uses evidence-based data in our clinical decision-making,” a hospital spokesperson said in a statement. “We are pleased with the judge’s decision to sustain the decisions of our clinicians to refrain from using ivermectin for treatment of COVID -19.”

“Ivermectin has not been shown to be safe nor effective for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19, and the FDA has not authorized or approved this treatment for this use,” the statement continued.

These people are evil and outright liars. Ivermectin has been proven time and time again in scores of “peer-reviews” studies (screenshot here) to be incredibly safe and has even been proven to be effective against COVID-19.

What’s going on in the US is absolutely sick. No judge should have the right to make medical decisions for any American and neither should the FDA or hospitals for that matter.

The real misinformation being spread about is coming directly from the very establishments who claim to have our best interests at heart and it truly is dangerous. Americans need to wake up. Take control of your own health and don’t rely on the federal government to tell you what’s best.

Not only do they know the truth, they’re lying about it.

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