Scottish health officials will no longer release figures on COVID deaths and hospitalizations by vaccination status as it does now, complaining that anti-vaxxers are ‘misusing the data’.
Remember when Dr. Deborah Birx in the United States back in 2020 said that from now on, all people who die with COVID, and not necessarily from COVID, will be listed as COVID deaths? That was the beginning of the deception surrounding COVID data, boldly put in your face by the very people who created the Plannedemic in the first place. Now Scotland, upset with the fact that truth seekers are rightly connecting someone’s vaccination status and the cause of their death, they decided to no longer inform you whether or not the deceased was vaxxed. And that’s how you do life in the New World Order, baby, truth is always the first casualty of war.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (KJB)
I don’t know about you, but one of the things that I lost during the pandemic was all my “conspiracy theories” that I had written about for over a decade. How did I lose them? They all came true, that’s how, and they can no longer rightly be termed as a “theory”. But as a conspiracy? You better believe it.
Scotland Stops Releasing Death and Hospitalization Figures by Vax Status, Says Anti-Vaxxers ‘Misusing Them’
FROM BREITBART NEWS: Public Health Scotland (PHS), the Scottish equivalent of the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) believes that “the case rates, hospitalization rates, the death rates are very simple statistics” and that anti-vaxxers are misreading them “inappropriately and sometimes willfully”.
“What is happening is people are looking at those simple data and trying to make inferences about the vaccination, whether the vaccines work, inappropriately and sometimes willfully,” one technocrat at the Special National Health Service (NHS) Health Board complained to the Scottish press.
“There are so many caveats and they just pull certain figures out that should not be used,” they added, saying that what they would now be doing is “a lot more on the vaccine effectiveness side and try to make people understand how effective the vaccine is.”
Another official explained that, in Public Health Scotland’s view, “the main important point around all of the analysis is we understand whether the vaccines are working against catching it and against getting severe Covid, and that’s where the vaccine effectiveness studies come in which are a completely different methodology.”
Unlike the “very simple statistics” on case rates, hospitalizations, and deaths among the vaccinated and unvaccinated, the vaccine effectiveness studies they will now be emphasizing “use modelling, we compare people who have tested negative to those who have tested positive and match them on their underlining co-morbidities.”
“It’s a completely different method which is much more robust and that’s what we want people to focus on,” they insisted.
Scotland has a broad degree of autonomy within the United Kingdom dating back to the Acts of Union of 1707, which was strengthened considerably by Tony Blair’s Labour government in the 1990s with devolution.
Much of its COVID and general healthcare regime is therefore managed by Nicola Sturgeon’s left-separatist Scottish National Party (SNP) in Edinburgh rather than the central government led by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and several restrictions lifted in England remain in force north of the border. READ MORE
Dr Birx Admits Coronavirus Death Count Liberal
In 2020, Dr. Birx told us that all people who died while infected with COVID would be counted as a COVID death even if COVID was not the cause of death.
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The post Scotland Announces They’ll No Longer Give Vaccination Status To Deaths And Hospitalizations Because It Gives Anti-Vaxxers Too Much Information appeared first on Now The End Begins.