On Day 708 Of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, Has The Whole World Just Taken Part In The Largest DNA Data Collection Exercise In Human History?

“Those who control the data control the future not just of humanity, but the future of life itself,” Harari said at the World Economic Forum. “Because today, data is the most important asset in the world.”

Acclaimed historian and best-selling author Professor Yuval Harari, who spoke at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland back in 2018, took the stage to utter the chilling words “We are probably one of the last generations of homo sapiens.” Harari went on to speak about how that DNA harvesting and genomic sequencing would be the “coin of the realm” in the not too distant future. Two years later, the world’s largest DNA harvesting operation began with the COVID-19 pandemic. Was Harari a prophet, just lucky, or did he perhaps have some inside information? Maybe a little bit of all three as you are about to see.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 ( KJB)

ON the Monday Prophecy News Podcast, we told you all about DNA harvesting and genomic sequencing that the CDC is now admitting to, which confirms for us that there are truckloads more information they are still withholding from us. To date, billions of COVID-19 nose swab tests have been taken, with the data taken in the country of origin to be compiled in a global database. Many people have been ‘swabbed’ multiple times, I myself have been swabbed 6 times, with 4 of those times tests given by doctors or nurses. Think of all that juicy data that the New World Order now has while you listen to this stunning prediction made at the 2018 meeting of the World Economic Forum. The very same people behind the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Amazing coincidence, is it not? Enjoy the video!

With Data We Can Now ‘Hack Humanity’, says Yuval Harari

FROM TECH TALKS: “We are probably one of the last generations of homo sapiens.” Those were the opening words of acclaimed historian and best-selling author Professor Yuval Harari, who spoke at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, where politicians, thought leaders and executives from the world’s leading companies congregate to discuss solutions to global challenges.

What comes after us, Harari said, are entities that are more different from us than we were from our predecessors, the Neanderthals. However, those species will not be the outcome of the organic evolution of human genes, Harari explained, but the outcome of humans learning to engineer bodies, brains and minds. “This will be the main product of the economy of the 21st century.”

“Those who control the data control the future not just of humanity, but the future of life itself,” Harari said. “Because today, data is the most important asset in the world.”

In the past, control and ownership of land and subsequently industrial machinery divided humans into different classes, aristocrats and commoners, capitalists and proletariats.

“Now data is replacing machinery as the most important asset. And if too much of the data becomes concentrated in too few hands, humanity will split not into classes—it will split into species,” Harari warned.

Today, of the ten most powerful companies in the world, six are tech firms that handle very large amounts of data (Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and Tencent). And most of them are less than two decades old.

Why is data so important? “Because we’ve reached a point where we can hack not just computers—we can hack human beings and other organisms,” Harari explained.

It takes two things to hack human beings: computing power and data, both of which are becoming abundantly available. The processing power of our mobile phones surpass that of the most powerful computers of a few decades ago. Meanwhile, the creation of digital information is exploding. Studies show we generate 2.5 million terabytes of data per day and that number is increasing, because only 10% of available data dates before 2016. Advances in sensor technology and the internet of things (IoT) have enabled us to gather data from anything and everything from the physical world. READ MORE

Yuval Harari At The World Economic Forum 2018

Professor Harari’s Speech To The World Economic Forum In 2018 On The 4th Industrial Revolution…He Said We Are Likely One of The Last Generations of Homo-Sapiens Because We Can Now Hack & Engineer Humans…highlight of this clip is where Harari mocks God and says man doesn’t need Him. You know what’s coming next. 

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