(TeaParty.org Exclusive) – A former Wall Street executive conducted a video interview with WND where he showed that his analysis of data from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention demonstrates an alarming uptick in deaths among Millennials over the last year as the COVID vaccine rollout began and stated that he’s hoping to launch some kind of national conversation that will get through the wall put up by the mainstream media that will embolden people both in the government and in private industry so stand up and speak out.
“That’s my goal, to just change the conversation, to give people cover,” Edward Dowd, who used to work as a portfolio manager for the multinational investment firm BlackRock, went on to say.
“Once the subject is broached, you don’t sound as crazy, if some other guy said it before you,” he said during the interview.
Dowd, along with an insurance analyst from Wall Street, conclude that the data from the CDC reveals that the Millennial generation suffered from what the pair calls a “Vietnam War event,” with a total of more than 61,000 excess deaths from March 2021 to February 2022.
“There was a particularly significant ‘spike’ in mortality in the fall of 2021, he said, that cannot be explained by the delta variant, opioids, suicides or other causes,” the report from WND said.
“The only signal that makes sense to me is the vaccines,” Dowd, who describes himself as being a “futurist” and a “stock picker,” stated.
“You don’t have to agree with me,” he continued. “But I’m hoping that this starts a national conversation. And let’s have Senate hearings, let’s get some experts involved.”
Dowd then stated that people are welcome to argue against his points.
“But so far the mainstream media doesn’t seem to have any interest in what we are saying,” the analyst said.
“The Millennials, about ages 25 to 40, experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality over that period, Dowd found. It was the highest increase in excess deaths of any age group last year – seven times higher than the Silent Generation, those who are older than 85,” WND reported.
Dowd then said that his role is mostly to provide interpretation and analysis of the information while the insurance expert is “doing the heavy lifting” of finding it and putting it all together.
He then stated that his partner in this project, who has actuarial training, analyzed the insurance industry on Wall Street for seven years. Dowd then said that this expert is currently presenting the data to a financial group and is set to reveal his identity sometime in the near future.
“Dowd also has examined the Pfizer clinical trial data provided by whistleblower Brook Jackson, concluding it, and the fact that Pfizer tried to hide it for 75 years, point to ‘clinical fraud,’” the report added (screenshot here).
Dowd goes on to say that Jackson “basically was asked to participate in a cover-up,” but after she blew the whistle, she was fired from her position.
“In the interview with WND, Dowd discussed the reliability of analyses by investors and insurance companies, who put their wealth at risk, compared to other industries,” the report said.
“The thing to remember about the insurance industry,” he stated, “is that they make money by predicting health-care issues and death-rate issues – and they do that fairly accurately, and with precision.”
“So any disruption to that upsets their business model,” Dowd said. “And this is a big disruption.”
Back in the early part of January, WND released a report that said the CEO of Midwest life insurance company stated that the industry was seeing the highest death rates in its history, up 40 percent over levels before the start of the pandemic. The CEO then pointed out a “three sigma or 200-year catastrophe would be a 10 percent increase over pre-pandemic levels.”
Dowd then stated that the implications of his conclusions are “grim” and “mind-boggling.”
“If I am correct – and let’s assume I am for the sake of this argument – we have the greatest, colossal financial and human fraud endeavor in the history of the globe,” he said.
And what makes the situation so much more sinister is that it happened with the help of governments, the media, and tech companies.
“This is a loss of trust in all institutions,” Dowd said.
He then revealed he has not been approached by a single person in Congress as of this writing.
“But the good news is that what we’ve found is being recreated by others,” he remarked. “This is spreading.”
Dowd finished his interview with WND by discussing his faith in God and divine “coincidences” that led to him having a platform from which to speak about the truth.
“I just knew I had to do it. It’s the right thing to do. I’m here because I think God put me here,” he went on to say.
Dowd then told WND about a very harsh and severe trial he endured in his life where he experienced healing and learned to trust God instead of himself.
“I have a plan. But God has a better plan. That’s what usually happens,” he stated.
“I just roll with the punches and let him take me where he wants,” he finished.
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