BREAKING: Latinos Cook Up ‘Spicy’ Version Of ‘Let’s Go Brandon’

( Exclusive) – For many, many years, large swaths of the Latino population have been dedicated, loyal fans of the Democratic Party here in the United States. This is why they push for such lax immigration laws and are against deportation laws and encourage illegal immigration.

The folks who benefit from those kinds of policies don’t take long to become Democratic voters and supporters of those bits and pieces of legislation.

However, that seems to be changing, and possibly even completely ending, according to Gloria Romero, a onetime Democratic leader in the very left-wing Democratic California Senate.

According to WND, Romero has published a column over at Daily Mail that Latinos not only are turning on the Democratic Party, they even have their own “spicy” version of “Let’s Go Brandon,” which is “Que @#$%&! Es eso?”

Recent polling that was completed by Quinnipiac shows that only 26 percent of Latinos approve of the way Joe Biden is currently handling the presidency, Romero went on to point out.

“That’s a nearly 10-point drop of Biden’s approval rating among Latinos from April 6th when he garnered a paltry 34%,” she stated in the piece.

“Even in the Democrat ‘stronghold’ of California, Biden’s support among Latinos has plunged recently from 69% to 51%,” the WND report said.

From Cuban Americans living in the state of Florida to Mexican Americans who call Texas home, they are “giving double middle fingers to the Democrats and their political coyotes,” she continued.

“I am a Latina and the former Democratic majority leader of the California State Senate,” Romero said. “The first woman to ever hold that position. I represented one of the most Latino and Democratic areas in California: East L.A., the birthplace of the Chicano youth walkout over racism in education in the 1960s. Yet I, too, am on the brink of leaving the party and the roots of my disillusionment run deep.”

“She explained the shift started when many Latinos voted for President Trump. Some 71% supported Barack Obama, then 66% voted for Hillary Clinton. But only 59% voted for Biden in 2020 and the problem is ‘the party itself,’” the report said.

Speaking historically, the Democratic Party has claimed to be the party that best represents the working-class folk, “the little people,” and the pocketbook issues were essential, she explained.

However, it seems that is now over and the party is deeply into “socialism,” “bewildering definitions of the genders,” “state-control of our children,” “infanticide” and a lot more.

And then there’s the Green New Deal nonsense, “which we see as dinero for their pockets and Teslas in their driveways, but regressive tax policies for the rest of us,” Romero warned.

In fact, those “puppet-masters” do not seem to care about “the choices they are making” that cause injury to members of the party.

And it gets worse from here.

Romero goes on to call Biden a “senile Democratic president” and refers to Kamala Harris as “incompetent.”

And you know what? She couldn’t be more right on both of those points.

Because of this, Latinos no longer feel like they are beholden to a Democratic Party where their lives no longer seem to matter.

She also said that all of this is about to give the “Grand Old Party a new look” thanks in large part to a mutual respect for the American Dream.

“We know how to hustle, to work hard, to believe that ‘si se puede.’ According to the Small Business Administration, as of 2021 there are an estimated 4.65 million Latino-owned companies in the U.S., making Latino business owners the fastest-growing segment of this community, up 34% in the last 10 years,” she went on to say. “But instead of pursuing policies that reward hard work, Biden’s gratuitous COVID relief spending has stoked inflation that is making it harder to earn a living.”

“The community also is family oriented and is ‘not interested in shoving explicitly sexual education in the faces of our ninos and ninas in their earliest school years,’” she added.

There’s plenty of room in the conservative movement for people from all walks of life, so long as you believe in freedom, personal responsibility, and hard work. Those are values that should appeal to folks no matter where they are from. The more the merrier.

The only way to save this country is coming together over common values.

Copyright 2022.

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