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Surge Summary: More odd behavior from President Biden, another attack on the Second Amendment, parents’ rights under fire in CA, MSNBC daffiness and September 11 remembered.
by Andrew Linn
- Joe Biden apparently fell asleep at a memorial service for the victims of the Maui fires. He had no comment on the fires in Maui. He compared the fires in Maui to a kitchen fire at his home in Delaware in 2004 (which was contained within twenty minutes). He apparently showed little interest in the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. During a ceremony for a Medal of Honor recipient, he decided to leave early. He also said he doesn’t want to contain China (possibly due to the connections that he and his family have with the Chinese). And he will be in Alaska instead of honoring those killed in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Is such behavior due to his age (i.e. senility), or does he just not care?
- New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued a temporary suspension of open and concealed carry in response to a series of gun- related deaths in Albuquerque. Such a suspension was classified as an emergency public health order. In an attempt to thwart criticism on her order violates the Second Amendment, she replied that no constitutional right is absolute. As a result, a couple of members of the New Mexico State House of Representatives are calling for her impeachment. My question is this: what does gun violence have to do with public health? I should also point out that such an order is punishing the innocent for the crimes of the guilty.
- The California State Assembly recently passed a law requiring judges to consider if parents have affirmed if their children are transgender during custody disputes. Should one or both parents refuse to do so, then the children in question could become wards of the state. Is such a law part of the transgender agenda to declare all children to be property of the state? The next thing you know, there will be proposed legislation authorizing the removal of children from their parents because the children in question decide to become transgender- something that has already happened in Washington State.
- MSNBC columnist Dean Obeidallah said that Trump must die in prison in order to set an example for the public. Obeidallah went on to say that anyone who attempts a coup should get life in prison and doing so would say to the public “you can’t do this”. He even went so far as to refer to America as a democratic republic and a democracy. Apparently, he is not aware that 1) the events of January 6 were a riot, not a coup (or insurrection for that matter, and it is likely the riot was staged by the left); 2) a coup is when someone tries to overthrow those in power, and Trump was still in office at the time; and 3) America is a republic (and a constitutional republic for that matter), not a democratic republic (unlike North Korea) or a democracy (unlike Ancient Athens).
- This week will be the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, as well as the 20 th anniversary of the deaths of actor John Ritter (who died on September 11, 2003) and singer Johnny Cash (who died on September 12, 2003). All of them should be remembered and honored.
- Due to a carriage fee dispute with Spectrum, Disney pulled its channels, including the Disney Channel, ESPN, ESPN 2, Freeform, and FX. Hopefully the matter will be resolved soon and the channels being restored.
Have a good week.
The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge.
Originally posted @ Clashdaily.com.
Image: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/grayscale-photo-of-a-man-covering-his-face-with-both-hands-depression-wallpaper-uixto
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