As The WHO Warns Of The Coming Black Death, Bird Flu And Monkey Pox Plagues, The Johns Hopkins Center Releases The ‘SPARS Pandemic’ Report

The World Health Organization just added Black Death plague, bird flu and monkey pox to the Disease X list, as the SPARS Pandemic report comes out.

Back on Day 1 of what is now our exclusive 1,612 Days Of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve countdown, we brought you the sickening true story of something called Event 201 created by Bill Gates and hosted at the Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security. Event 201 is an all-too-true dystopian tale of end times bioengineering and gain-of-function viruses intentionally released on an unsuspecting global population. We call that COVID and the Pandemic. Remember when we told you they were going to do it again? Welcome to The SPARS Pandemic Report for 2025, and as usual, you’re hearing it here first.

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJB)

The SPARS Pandemic Report is ‘pandemic readiness exercise’ that once again imagines the release of a global pathogen that kills hundreds of millions of people, the ‘conspiracy theory’ that swirls in the midst of it, and how the only safety and salvation for the people will be, once again, a magical ‘vaccine’ given to you by the government. Now where have we heard that before? Oh, that’s right. In collaboration with the SPARS Pandemic Report, the World Health Organization mere hours ago just added Black Death, bird flu and monkey pox to the ‘pandemic watchlist’.

In the first update since COVID-19 swept the planet, a World Health Organization (WHO) panel has dramatically expanded the scope of its index of so-called priority pathogens to include the Black Death, Monkey Pox and Bird Flu. The watchlist may sound like more WHO jargon – especially its name, the R&D Blueprint for Epidemics – but its contents have become hugely influential since the first iteration was published in 2017. Not only did it popularize the concept of ‘Disease X’, an as yet unknown pandemic threat, but the exercise pointed out the most dangerous diseases for which there were no vaccines, diagnostics or treatments. Since then, it has been used by scientists and research consortiums around the world to prioritize research. Awake, yet?

So there you have it, and just in time for the 2024 election cycle just like COVID was just in time for the 2020 election cycle. They are going to do it again. Just like we’ve warned you for the past 4 years, we will warn you again. Do not take any pandemic vaccine created by any government for any reason, there is death in the pot. My only real question is, what will the SPARS plushie toy look like?

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post As The WHO Warns Of The Coming Black Death, Bird Flu And Monkey Pox Plagues, The Johns Hopkins Center Releases The ‘SPARS Pandemic’ Report appeared first on Now The End Begins.